Warning: include_once(../../system/application/config/config.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/new.edenkert.hu/resources/swf/player.js.php on line 3

Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '../../system/application/config/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /var/www/new.edenkert.hu/resources/swf/player.js.php on line 3

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/new.edenkert.hu/resources/swf/player.js.php:3) in /var/www/new.edenkert.hu/resources/swf/player.js.php on line 5

Warning: Undefined variable $config in /var/www/new.edenkert.hu/resources/swf/player.js.php on line 9

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /var/www/new.edenkert.hu/resources/swf/player.js.php on line 9
// RICH MEDIA PROJECT : JAVASCRIPT PHP FLV FULLSCREEN PLAYER // DETECT FLASH PLAYER VERSION FOR FULLSCREEN EXPERIENCE (from Flash Player v9.0.28) detectFlashPlayer=true; // fullScreenFunction : if false, fullscreen mode won't be available fullScreenFunction=true; // PHP SCRIPT PATH // Path of the PHP provider script relative to the "player.swf" file or absolute (movies should be located in the same folder) phpPath="resources/swf/flvprovider.php"; // movieName without extension, check bandwidth detector if you want to use different versions of a movie movieName="789_szentloric2005_kesza001"; // BEHAVIOURS bufferTime=1; volume=100; autoStart=false; // Behaviours when autoStart=false // startPauseMode="Picture" | startPauseMode="First Frame" | startPauseMode="Empty Screen" startPauseMode="First Frame"; // picturesFolder : the relative or absolute path to the folder where the pictures are. picturesFolder="pictures"; // startShowControls : if true, show the controls when play button is pressed. startShowControls=true; // endBehaviour : behaviour when the movie ends. // endBehaviour="Stop" | endBehaviour="Loop" endBehaviour="Stop"; // endFullScreenBackToNormal : if true, get back to normal mode when the movie ends in fullscreen mode endFullScreenBackToNormal=true; // endJavascriptFunction : a javascript function that will be called at the end of the movie endJavascriptFunction=""; // If true, the connection will be closed when stop button is pressed. stopCloseConnect=true; // BANDWIDTH DETECTOR // Set differentVersions to true to enable bandwidth detection // If differentVersions=false upload a single version of a movie on your server : [movieName].flv // if differentVersions=true upload three different versions of a movie on your server : // [movieName][version_hi_extension].flv // [movieName][version_medium_extension].flv // [movieName][version_low_extension].flv differentVersions=false; version_hi_value=1000; version_medium_value=500; version_low_value=150; version_hi_extension="_1000"; version_medium_extension="_500"; version_low_extension="_150"; // PLAYER'S PROPERTIES // SIZE AND COLORS playerWidth=460; playerHeight=360; // autoSize="Movie" | autoSize="Off"; autoSize="Movie"; // If autoSize="Off", you can define blackborders // You can use negative values to zoom into the movie blackBorderWidth=0; blackBorderHeight=0; playerColor="#FFFFFF"; barColor="#FFFFFF"; playbarColor="#DDDEEE"; screenBorder=true; screenBorderColor="#FFFFFF"; buttonsColor="#333333"; timeColor="#333333"; backgroundColor="#000000"; backgroundAlpha=100; controlsY=15; // CONTROLS POSITION AND COLORS in FULLSCREEN MODE // ControlsYFullScreen, y position from the bottom of the screen controlsYFullScreen=80; playerColorFullScreen="#FFFFFF"; barColorFullScreen="#FFFFFF"; playbarColorFullScreen="#DDDEEE"; buttonsColorFullScreen="#333333"; timeColorFullScreen="#333333"; backgroundColorFullScreen="#000000"; backgroundAlphaFullScreen=100; // CONTROLS // controls="Hide" | controls="Autohide" | controls="Show" controls="Show"; stopButton=true; stopButtonFirst=true; rewindFastForwardButtons=true; // rw_ff_interval in seconds rw_ff_interval=4; volumeSlider=true; showTimecode=true; controlsBarPress=true; // timeFormat="mm:ss" | timeFormat="hh:mm:ss" | timeFormat="mm:ss|duration" | timeFormat="hh:mm:ss|duration" timeFormat="mm:ss|duration"; // doubleClickListener to go Fullscreen doubleClickListener=true; // BUFFER MESSAGE bufferMessage=true; bufferText="buffering"; bufferTextColor="#FFFFFF"; bufferTextBackgroundColor="#993333"; bufferTextBackgroundAlpha=40; // bufferTextPosition="Upper Right" | bufferTextPosition="Upper Left" | bufferTextPosition="Lower Right" | bufferTextPosition="Lower Left" | bufferTextPosition="Center" bufferTextPosition="Upper Right"; // LOGO logo=false; // logo can be a jpg or a swf. logoPath="resources/swf/swf/logo.swf"; // logoPosition="Upper Right" | logoPosition="Upper Left" | logoPosition="Lower Right" | logoPosition="Lower Left" logoPosition="Upper Right"; logoAlpha=70; logo_x=10; logo_y=10; // COMMERCIAL playCommercialFirst=false; commercialMovieName=""; commercialLink=""; commercialText="Your movie will start after this commercial..."; commercialTextColor="#333333"; commercialTextBold=true; // SUBTITLES subtitleXML=""; // subVisible at start subVisible=true; subButton=false; subButtonOffColor="#CCCCCC"; subColor="#FFFFFF"; subBackground=true; subBackgroundColor="#333333"; subBackgroundAlpha=40; subFontSize=14; autohideSubBackground=false; // subAlign="left" | subAlign="center" | subAlign="right" subAlign="center"; blankLineListMode=2; // SUBTITLES COLORS IN FULLSCREEN MODE subColorFullScreen="#FFFFFF"; subBackgroundFullScreen=false; subBackgroundColorFullScreen="#993333"; subBackgroundAlphaFullScreen=40; subFontSizeFullScreen=20; autohideSubBackgroundFullScreen=false; // subAlignFullScreen="left" | subAlignFullScreen="center" | subAlignFullScreen="right" subAlignFullScreen="center"; blankLineFullScreen=2; // POP UP // Detect Flash Player Pop Up // Detect Flash Player Text=[detectPopUpText1]+[versionNumber]+[detectPopUpText2] // You can use HTML tags detectPopUpTitle="Adobe Flash Player Version"; detectPopUpText1="You have Flash Player
version "; detectPopUpText2=" installed.

Enjoy a fullscreen
experience with the new Flash Player."; detectPopUpButton1="Get Flash"; detectPopUpButton2="Continue"; // Detect Bandwidth Pop Up // Detect Bandwidth Result Text=[bandwidthDetectPopUpText2]+[bandwidth]+" kbps" displayBandwidthDetectPopUp=false; bandwidthDetectPopUpTitle="Rich Media Project Speed Detector"; bandwidthDetectPopUpText1="Detecting Bandwidth
Please wait..."; bandwidthDetectPopUpText2="Your Bandwidth :
" // Loading Movie Pop Up displayLoadingMoviePopUp=false; loadingMoviePopUpTitle="Loading..."; loadingMoviePopUpText="Loading Movie
Please wait..." // Select Bandwidth Pop Up // Select Bandwidth Text=[bandwidthSelectPopUpText1]+[bandwidthTextForXXXBandwidth]+[bandwidthSelectPopUpText2]+[version_XXX_value]+[bandwidthSelectPopUpText3] bandwidthSelectPopUpTitle="Bandwidth Selector"; bandwidthSelectPopUpButton1="Low"; bandwidthSelectPopUpButton2="Medium"; bandwidthSelectPopUpButton3="Hi"; bandwidthTextForLowBandwidth="Low"; bandwidthTextForMediumBandwidth="Medium"; bandwidthTextForHiBandwidth="Hi"; bandwidthSelectPopUpText1=""; bandwidthSelectPopUpText2=" bandwidth is selected :
"; bandwidthSelectPopUpText3=" kbps movie.

Please select the desired
bandwidth :"; // Info Pop Up // This pop up is displayed if no movie is loaded at start (movieName="") displayInfoPopUp=true; infoPopUpTitle="Select movie"; infoPopUpText="Please select a movie in the gallery" // SWF PROPERTIES // swfPath : path of the swf that contains the player without swf extension swfPath="resources/swf/player"; // swfID : name of the Flash Object swfID="player[name]"; // speedClipPath : path of the swf that contains the speed detector clip without swf extension speedClipPath="resources/swf/speedClip"; swfWidth=playerWidth; swfHeight=playerHeight+controlsY+1; swfBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF"; // OBJECT BUILDER : DO NOT MODIFY THIS SCRIPT var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false; var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false; function AC_AddExtension(src, ext) { if (src.indexOf('?') != -1) return src.replace(/\?/, ext+'?'); else return src + ext; } function AC_Generateobj(objAttrs, params, embedAttrs) { var str = ''; if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera) { str += ' '; str += '>'; } else { str += '